Thursday, January 7

Frappuccino Concoction

I should be blogging about our fun Christmas, our never ending Christmas break, or our snow day fun, but for now, I will share a new recipe.

I blogged long ago about one of my "happies" being Nescafe Ice Java-Chocolate Mocha. It was an addiction and I have craved it every morning for about 3 or 4 years. Around November of 2008, we found out that the product would be discontinued. This was devastating for my Mom, sister and myself who were also addicts. John called his old co-workers at Nestle to find out about this for me and they confirmed it. They were nice enough to let him know what Walmart in our area still had some left. My sweet husband went to the Arkansas/Missouri line Walmart on his lunch break one day and stocked me with about 8 bottles. John's Mom got me a few more in Mtn. Home. (My Mom and Sister cleared the shelves at all Central AR Walmart and Krogers) My stash lasted me until about 2 weeks ago. It was a sad day when I squeezed that last drop out.

The closest thing to this stuff is the bottled Starbuck Frappuccino's. I love them, but they are pricey and knew we couldn't afford to buy those each week. So, I got online to see if I could find a copycat recipe. I found one and then adapted it to my liking. Guys, I think I like it better than my Java. To top it off, it is better for me (more natural) and less expensive. I make enough to last me about 4-5 days and I store it in a large container in the fridge. I like it cold most of the time, but I tried it today warm and it was just as tasty. I like it so much I had to share my concoction. You can adjust the amounts based on your preference for a stronger coffee taste or more or less chocolate flavor.

Frappuccino Concoction

4 Cups of brewed coffe
8 C skim milk
1/2 C Sugar (I use Splenda/Sugar blend and use 1/4C)
1/2tsp of unsweetened cocoa

Combine all of this together in a large container and shake to mix. Serve over ice or heat it up for a warm treat. This amount lasts me about 5 days.


Sarah said...

I am going to go make this right now...

Sydney said...

You are so funny!
I can't wait to see all your pics of your winter wonderland and Christmas cute-ness!
I miss you!