On October 6th, Brooklyn turned 4! She has been so excited to turn 4. Apparently, its a big number. B has wanted a "big girl booster seat" like Emma for a long time. We told her she had to be 4, so whenever we asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she would tell us a "big girl seat with butterflies". Seriously, this was all she asked for, so I felt like the least we could do was get her one with butterflies like she asked. I looked hard and finally found one online. We set it all up for her, so when we got her up that morning, she saw it first thing. She was so happy! We got her a couple Fancy Nancy books and a Dora Wii game that has been a big hit for her. Finally a Wii game that she can play easily. John and Emma headed off for the day and Brooklyn and I snuggled up on the couch for a little while before we left for BSF. She picked out her outfit for the day and was so proud. She told everyone she was the Birthday Girl! After BSF, we met John for lunch at Whole Hog (B's choice: I love this girl!). Brooklyn and I headed home and broke open her new Wii game. We had fun playing it until Em got home from school. We spent the rest of the night as a family celebrating B.
Brooklyn is a precious little girl. She knows how to turn on the charm and she knows how to throw a fit. When she is sweet, she is too sweet to even explain. When she is "not so nice", she is really not nice. B still loves to snuggle and I try to take advantage of it as often as possible. I know she will grow out of it at some point. She LOVES Emma and can't wait for her to get home from school to play. They are best friends and I cherish and thank God for it daily. B plays well alone and as much as she loves playing with Emma after school, I think she likes her daytime play with just us. Her best friend is Whitlee Walker and we get to see her at ballet every Tuesday. JB and I trade off taking the girls to play each week. It is so fun and we are going to miss our Tuesdays with Whitlee when she starts kindergarten next year. Brooklyn loves dance class! She takes with 4 of her best friends and she looks forward to Tuesdays. B goes to school two days a week this year and enjoys going. She has 2 great teachers who love on her so well and she has sweet friends too. She has learned to spell and write her name this year. She has mastered her ABC's and 123's and knows almost every sound the letters make. She loves to dress up (just like her sister at this age) and loves to have a good time. She is learning verses and songs in BSF and looks forward to Bible study each Wednesday. Brooklyn loves her family, loves her friends and really just loves life. She is so funny and says the cutest and funniest things imaginable. (that will be another post) She has really become my buddy this year. She is so easy to take places and without having to worry about getting back home for naps every day, we are able to be more relaxed with our schedule. I'm so thankful for Brooklyn and I am so very glad that she misses that school cut off date and gets to stay home with me one more year!
Allison, this is such a precious post - I hope you'll keep these words for her to see and appreciate some day. She is more than adorable - and she has a special mom, too!
So so sweet, and I LOVE the pic of her sitting on the table in a booster seat!
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