Tuesday, February 6

Bumbo Madness: The Oven

Before y'all start freaking thinking I really stuck Brooklyn in the oven, fear not. I had EXPLICIT instructions from my wife NOT to put her in the oven.

"In" the oven. "On" is a completely different word and outcome.

So in the veins of Bumbo Madness: The Dishwasher, I decided to get as close as possible. (note: I did check to see if the oven was warm, and it was not...it was cool to the touch before I even tried this. I'm not a monster.)

So you're in for a treat today...2 Bumbo Madness posts in one sitting! You can count your day as fully fulfilled now. You have my permission to leave work and call it a day.

In semi-related news, Bumbo Madness has been quite a popular series for the Nelson Blog! Looking at page load statistics for the blog, the hits have almost quadrupled! In fact, I even had a day with 125 hits on the page. All that means is that you people are obsessed with me. It's disturbing. You should really, really find something better to do with your time.


Shelli said...


...hope you don't get thrown in prison.

Abigail Prescott said...

You have the cleanest oven I've ever seen outside of an appliance show room...

Nate's Nonsense said...

It's your kid, your house and your life. I applaud you John. Keep up the good work.

The Walkie Talkie said...

Keep the Bumbo madness coming. I still say my favorite is the top, left corner of the entertainment center.

Kara said...

Very cool!:)