Friday, August 20

First Day of First Grade

Is summer really over? I think I'm holding on to summer because I know we get to go to Disney World in 2 weeks!!! Once we do that, summer really will be over. :(
Emma went to meet her new teacher, Mrs. Waterman, on Monday night and was so excited to be back at school. She loved visiting Ms. Norris, her kindergarten teacher, and seeing all of her friends from last year. Nervousness set in the night before school, and she was saying she was not ready to go back. She also woke up saying she didn't want to go. Ugh, broke my heart! As soon as she ate her "Back to School Breakfast" and put on her cute outfit, her spirits perked up. I let them choose their breakfast for the first day and this year she chose cheesy eggs, bacon and chocolate toast with sprinkles. Chocolate toast is toast with Nutella spread on it. No, it is not good for you and something we normally have for a treat, but the first day of school is a special occasion, right? :)

All four of us went to school this morning. John snapped some pictures of Emma before we left and one with her and Mrs. Waterman at school. I took our traditional picture (it is now a tradition since it has been 2 years!) in front of the school marquee. We hugged goodbye and left. I did not cry, but had the same huge pit in my stomach as I did last year. I'm guessing that "first day pit" never goes away. Although it is the same school, it is taking the step to once again, entrust your child to someone for many hours a week. It is hard.

Brooklyn and I met some friends at Chickfila to play for a bit and then headed home to a very quiet house. We cleaned, ate lunch and rested before we went to get Emma. The car line was SO long, so we parked and walked to get her. She was so excited and talked a lot about her fun day. I was so relieved to hear good things! We met the Elleman's at Braums for ice cream after school. Carley started kindergarten this year and Davis is also in first grade, but a different class. Allyn and I asked Emma to take our picture in honor of the fact that our kids are now in first grade and it is the same school year that Allyn and I met so many years ago. We were not in ideal picture taking condition, but I'm glad we took one. It has been a while! All in all, it was a good first day of school. We are praying for a great year!

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