Wednesday, May 16

More Sweet Tea for Melinda

Ok, everyone and their dog and their dog's worms are going to be up in arms over Melinda getting kicked off American Idol tonight. In my opinion, it's the best thing for everyone. Here's why:

Melinda is extremely established, both with her performance on AI and her history / connections in Nashville. She'll be off and running with a recording contract before her plane lands in Nashville.

Blake doesn't need to win American Idol, and I don't think he wants to win it all. If you haven't noticed, he's a bit eclectic in his musical tastes / styles. It doesn't really fit well with the AI image, which makes it even more impressive he's in the finale. If he wins, he's bound to produce a crappy album that is watered down by the AI producers and studio. So he loses in the long run if he wins it all. Probably best if he wins second.

Jordin stands to profit the most from winning. She's young, and needs the contract and advice from more experienced people, which she'll get automatically from winning. Besides, she's much more diverse in her singing styles / talent than either Blake or Melinda and can easily make any album to the AI producers want and make it work for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, i have to say I agree, although i was so sad to see her go, she will have more freedom to do what she wants how she wants it and same with blake. AND simon ended up knowing before they announced the results, that's why he was in such a bad mood the whole night b.c i think he really wanted her to win.....