Sunday, July 22

Lessons from Sunday school......

Emma learned about Shadrach, , Meshach, and Abednego at church today. She colored a picture of the three men in the "hot furnace". When we picked her up, she showed us her picture and told us they were in a fire, but did not get burned. We asked why they didn't get burned and she replied, "God saved them."
We got to the car and I looked at Emma's card from church which had her memory verse for the month. I told her that there was a new verse to learn and I read it to her, "Love God with your heart, your mind, your soul, and your strength."
She immediately said, "and don't get burned!"

I love the way their minds work! I am not sure she learned the intended lesson, but at least she is concerned about fire safety. For a Mom petrified of fire, this does my heart good.


Cole Family said...


This is kind of random but I attend Pinnacle and our home group is throwing a going away party for a couple in our group...I was on flikr and came across a few pictures that you guys had taken of the crosses and I was wondering if you would mind me using those in a collage that I am making for them. Email me back at Thanks!

Cole Family said...

Oh and by the way...I am very impressed with all of you blogging and photos and suck of your family...I noticed that our daughters were born within 24 hours of each other...Ariel (my daughter) was born October 7, 2006.

Cole Family said...

I meant such...not suck! HA! Ok I will leave you alone now!


Anonymous said...

I hope she didn't get burned in play on words LOL!!!!


Anonymous said...

didn't mean "correction"
